Feature Article & Gem Notes
Chanthaburi, eastern Thailand, is one of the world-renowned gemstones producers. It is designated as a “City of Gems” as most of the world’s gemstones pass through the city.
In the past decade, the diamond industry has faced the new challenge of the synthetic diamond (aka Lab-grown Diamond) commercially available as gem grade and becoming a new natural diamond
The Pyaung-Gaung area in the Mogok township of Myanmar is one of the essential sources of high-quality peridot for the international gem trade. Pyaung-Gaung peridot possesses an attractive deep olive green
The significant deposit of gem-quality peridot has been found in the area called Yiqisong, Yanbian of Jilin province. At first glance, these peridots strikingly show a medium toned yellowish green attribute with high clarity.
Golden sheen sapphires from Kenya have been reported in this journal and elsewhere (e.g., T.N. Bui et al., “From exsolution to ‘gold sheen’: A new variety of corundum,” Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2015, pp. 678–691; N. Narudeesombat et al., “Golden sheen and non-sheen sapphires from Kenya.
In the past several years, Mozambique has emerged as one of the world’s most important sources of ruby, and unheated stones from this country are in particularly strong demand. Nevertheless, it is common for these rubies to undergo low-temperature heating (~1,000°C or below) to slightly improve their colour.
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